Facebook Pixel Conversion
The FB pixel is a snippet of code for your website that enables you to measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad Facebook campaigns.
Three Major Advantages Of the Pixel installation:
1 Creating Lookalike Audiences: You will be able to target people who are similar to your best customers/visitors;
2 Accessing Audience Insights: You will be able to access essential insights about the people who visited your website;
3 Retargeting your Visitors: You will be able to retarget directly on Facebook the people that have just visited your website.
When you don't use the pixel, every single visit of your website which does not end with a sale or conversion ends up being a totally lost visit. With the pixel, you can retarget these lost visitors and win them back.
The standard installation is for the standard events (view content, add-to-cart, initiate checkout, search, complete registration, purchase)
Delivery time is 3 business days.