Amazon Fulfillment (FBA) - 1 hour
per item
Have you ever thought about selling products on Amazon but don't know where to start? Maybe you have taken a course or looked at countless YouTube videos and are still clueless about the whole FBA process. This gig will help you learn all that you need to know about Amazon FBA to go from a beginner to an expert.
We will go over the following during our 1 hour of consultation.
- Creating your Amazon Account
- Selling Retail Arbitrage, Private Label or Wholesale
- Finding your products to sell,
- Knowing which product to sells or not
- Talking to suppliersCreating your listing
- Shipping your product
- Finding product keywords
- How to launch your product
- Getting reviews,
- Facebook Advertising
This is a 1 hour consultation and can be reordered as often as you like to go deeper into any of the concepts.